Magnify Your Magnetic Message:

A Consultant's Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash

Find Your Voice. Position Your Presence. Sell Premium Services.

Magnify My Magnetic Message Now


A Consultant's Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash

Find Your Voice. Position Your Presence. Sell Premium Services.

Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

Our Magnetic Message Process Has Helped Us Earn Business With…

And Be Featured In Places Like…

Our Magnetic Message Process Has Helped Us Earn Business With…

And Be Featured In Places Like…

Poor messaging is costing you money!

Remove the mystery from your messaging so your ideal clients know exactly what to pay you for.

Magnify Your Magnetic Message: A Consultant's Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash Will Amplify Your Ability To…


Speak with Clarity

The quality of your clients depends on the clarity of your message. Stop fumbling over your words and say exactly what your ideal clients need to hear and understand to work with you. 

Land Dream Clients

Work with clients that you actually enjoy instead of the ones you dread. Mastering the art of magnetic messaging will grant you the relief you’ve been searching for so you can toss the regret of working with wrong-fit clients.

Close with Confidence

You should be landing at least 30% of the potential clients you connect with. Anything less is a clue that your messaging needs to be reimagined. 

Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

Speak with Clarity

The quality of your clients depends on the clarity of your message. Stop fumbling over your words and say exactly what your ideal clients need to hear and understand to work with you. 

Land Dream Clients

Work with clients that you actually enjoy instead of the ones you dread. Mastering the art of magnetic messaging will grant you the relief you’ve been searching for so you can toss the regret of working with wrong-fit clients.

Close with Confidence

You should be landing at least 30% of the potential clients you connect with. Anything less is a clue that your messaging needs to be reimagined. 

Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

If You Want to Land Quality Contracts

You Must Speak the Same Language as Your Clients

Meeting the mark with your ideal clients means you know exactly how to say what they need to hear so you can experience the sweet sound of “YES! We want to work with you!” instead of “Your offer seems interesting, but we’ll get back to you.”

NOBODY wants to hear “we’ll get back to you.”

In this full-length Magnify Your Magnetic Messaging training, you will:

  1. Become more confident in articulating your value.
  2. Define and improve your value proposition so buyers know exactly why they should work with you.
  3. Understand how to find and amplify your voice so the right people can hear your message.
  4. Properly position your presence both on and offline so you can be easily discovered by your right-fit clients.
  5. Apply the appropriate strategies to propel your premium services.

This Training IS For You If...

  • You are confused about how to attract your first (or next) corporate client.
  • You desire to amplify your online and offline presence so you can land corporate contracts.
  • You need to understand the variety of ways in which you can deliver premium services to clients.
  • You are serious about positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your industry.
  • You feel like your expertise is ignored or overlooked.
Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

This Training IS For You If...

  • You are confused about how to attract your first (or next) corporate client.
  • You desire to amplify your online and offline presence so you can land corporate contracts.
  • You need to understand the variety of ways in which you can deliver premium services to clients.
  • You are serious about positioning yourself as the go-to expert in your industry.
  • You feel like your expertise is ignored or overlooked.
Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

You Should Feel Comfortable and Confident  About Landing New Contracts

If you have difficulty expressing how you provide client transformation in a clear, concise, and compelling way, Magnify Your Magnetic Message: A Consultants Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash is a can’t-miss training!

This training helps you map out what to say and how to say it when introducing your services and responding to common offer objections.

Now is the time to trade in chasing clients with messy messaging for a clear, concise message that resonates with the masses EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


You Should Feel Comfortable and Confident  About Landing New Contracts

If you have difficulty expressing how you provide client transformation in a clear, concise, and compelling way, Magnify Your Magnetic Message: A Consultants Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash is a can’t-miss training!

This training helps you map out what to say and how to say it when introducing your services and responding to common offer objections.

Now is the time to trade in chasing clients with messy messaging for a clear, concise message that resonates with the masses EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.


Our company has secured multiple five and six-figure contracts and found that the key to consistent lucrative deals is nearly formulaic…

And it all starts with clear messaging. Master this element, and you’ll never have to worry about attracting your right-fit clients.

No more throwing a mashup of muddled messages across multiple social media platforms only to walk away with no new prospects or business.

The Magnify Your Magnetic Message: A Consultant's Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash

reveals the process for landing large deals by combining compelling words that work in your favor and get you discovered by clients who can’t wait to partner with you!
Magnify My Magnetic Message Now

Our company has secured multiple five and six-figure contracts and found that the key to consistent lucrative deals is nearly formulaic…

And it all starts with clear messaging. Master this element, and you’ll never have to worry about attracting your right-fit clients.

No more throwing a mashup of muddled messages across multiple social media platforms only to walk away with no new prospects or business.

The Magnify Your Magnetic Message: A Consultants Guide to Clarity, Clients, and Cash

reveals the process for landing large deals by combining compelling words that work in your favor and get you discovered by clients who can’t wait to partner with you!
Magnify My Magnetic Message Now