Confidently Build Your Business and Brand


(Without the crippling confusion, crazy overwhelm, or the nagging “what-do-I do- next syndrome”)

If you are a coach, infopreneur, service professional or consultant looking to generate more income while creating more leverage in your biz, then you probably already know that you need step-by-step guidance to craft a business that will stand the test of time.

So, I’ll spare you the spiel.

After all, you probably already KNOW that creating a successful business is the best path to leverage your time, impact more people, replace your income, and finally walk away from your 9-to-5 for good.

You’ve probably also heard that more than 11.6 million firms are owned by women, employing nearly 9 million people, and generating $1.7 trillion in sales (Source: American Express OPEN "The State of Women-Owned Businesses)



Even if you’re blessed to have a high-salaried career, side consulting gigs, or one-off clients...having a viable pathway to a strong business can help you:

  • Instantly Raise Your Authority

    Imagine your business success leading to speaking gigs, partnerships, unexpected invitations, and a seat at the table with other influential people that help add to your bottom line.

  • Command Your Value

    Even if you’re happy with your salary, once you have a successful business on the market, your perception and authority in the business world skyrockets, allowing you to command what you’re services are worth for your precious time.

  • Significantly Boost Your Income

    Offering an exciting way for potential customers to interact with your business and brand makes you the no-brainer professional to work with.
  • Generate Consistent, Reliable Cash Flow

    Creating a business with a strong foundation puts you in the driver’s seat of profitability. You won’t have to worry about how to get paid consistently. Instead you’ll generate sustainable income that will eventually replace what you currently earn through your 9-to-5.

  • Increase Visibility

    Getting more of the right eyes on your business positions you to be seen, heard and paid. Creating a pathway to visibility not only boosts consumer engagement, it piques the curiosity of companies and corporations that you may not have even dreamed of working with.

Even though the reasons to pursue a thriving business are clear, the process involved is anything but.


Start a Biz? YES PLEASE.

But Where on Earth Do I Start?

You’ve likely made a commitment to yourself to finally start that business.

Perhaps you’ve collected a journal full of ideas, consumed tons of free content on how to get started, designed a logo, gotten all excited about the possibilities of your business, and maybe even sold a few of your products or services.

If you are super committed, then maybe you even invested in some type of online course or class to teach you how to start generating revenue, assuring yourself that you’d use the information immediately.

But even with the best intentions, new business owners end up abandoning their dreams of starting and growing their business...allowing their counterparts to jump in and collect new clients while they remain on the sidelines.

Here’s why most would-be business owners abandon their business goals: Without a super clear, step-by-step guide to starting and growing that dream business, new entrepreneurs get completely lost.

They fall victim to the paralyzing shiny object syndrome. The “experts” always make it seem so easy!

After chasing the next best thing that seemingly successful entrepreneurs seem to always have...new business owners are soon left without solid solutions to finally start and  move their business to a place of growth.

Here’s why this is crippling to a newbie: As an already busy career professional with work obligations, demands to fulfill, and maybe even a few clients to keep happy, you literally can’t afford to veer off course.

And the moment you get lost in the zig-zagged pathway of growing a business, it’s almost impossible to recover.

Therefore building a business is the one thing you need to get right...the first time.

And luckily for you, there aren’t many experts who will take the time to walk you through building from the ground floor...I mean the foundation, the plumbing, the wiring.

In all likelihood, other women like you have likely failed at starting and maintaining a business, or they never stepped up to the plate, which means even if you had  moments where you had to start, stop, then start again, there’s still a golden opportunity to clean up the mess, and start building a successful business and brand.

That is, if you can avoid making the same costly  mistakes over and over again.



The Three Reasons Most Businesses Flop

(and why yours won’t)

Reason 1

Microwave Mentality

Building a business can look easy with the way our Facebook and Instagram accounts are set up these days!

With people posting what they want, you’re only getting the highlight reel and not the nitty gritty of what it truly takes to get your business running like a pro. Hence the thought process that it won’t take long to get your new business to the same level.

The thing is, you can’t treat business building as something you can announce on social media and people will automatically be attracted to it.

It’s an immensely valuable pouring of time and attention, and, when done right, can sustain you and build a legacy for you and your family.

Time to respect a business for what it is--a generational wealth builder. Let’s approach it as such.

Reason 2

Cash is King

Lack of monetary resources is a sure business buzz killer. Without it, businesses tend to go to the graveyard, only returning from the dead when there are a few one-off transactions to revitalize the momentary excitement that new money brings.

But that’s not what real businesses are made of. Sustainable businesses have a plan for consistent money generation---a pathway to repeatable success.

One huge blunder new business owners fall prey to is cash flow. Let’s commit to making sure we stay in the black by implementing systems that open the gateway to consistent cash.

Reason 3

The Free Mentorship Mindset

So let’s get straight to it…. There is a huge difference between free content and paid content. Consumption of small nuggets from your favorite online coach will only get you so far. Free content is free for a reason, and it’s not meant to help you build a whole plane. 

Mentorship gives you the wings you need to propel yourself towards the growth targets that have a massive impact on your business. 

Businesses with no mentor take 10 times as long to see results...mainly because you’re doing it on your own without any guidance or a voice telling you “that’s the wrong turn.”

Want real results? Tired of saying, “this is my year” every. single. year. only to let another six months pass without making any real headway toward your goals?

It’s time to start treating your purpose like you were meant to walk in it. That can only happen when you plan to hold space in your business model for a mentor that walks you through the foundational basics step-by-step.

No more throwing things against the wall to see what sticks, or haphazardly consuming tidbits of information that only move you inches and not miles. It’s time to get serious.

Shh...I'm going to let you in on a little secret

Even though starting a business can have MASSIVE impact--it’s not easy to navigate the challenges of growing at a steady pace.

A few people will get HUGE results while many others fizzle out.

And the main reason for this, as you’ve likely seen by now, is that while the barriers to entry are relatively LOW…

...the barriers toward EFFECTIVE EXECUTION are fairly high.

But as long as you can avoid the biggest blunders that sink most would-be business owners, the path is paved for you and the building of your new biz.

One that allows you to achieve clarity, be more impactful to those you serve, and leave behind a generational legacy.

The key ingredient to all of this is a business built on a solid foundation.

And with your permission, that’s what I’d LOVE to show you how to create.

Mia Bradford

Mia went from uncertainty about how to launch her new business to exploding her email list and creating raving followers in just 2 months!



Mia started out with Beyond the Busyness, a business focusing on self-care for high achieving women. Mia had never done a masterclass and she didn’t have an Instagram for Business that was active. She wanted to sell products and services, but was uncertain of how to break through the health and wellness market. On top of all of this, Mia was new to Houston, and wanted to figure out how to have more impactful events in a new city.

After a month of working with Tiffany, she saw a significant increase in her business page engagement, hosted her first successful paid challenge and had 50 people sign up for her very first masterclass and added those same people to her email list where she can prime them for her high ticket mastermind!

With her growth continuing at a steady rate, she is on target to add 600 people to her mailing list by the end of the year. A list she can nurture and build a community with. Mia is on track to having a thriving self-care business where she coaches other high-achieving women how to implement easy and practical self-care into their daily routines. Soon, she will have quit her corporate job to host self-care events across the country. Her business will explore collaborations with yoga studios, fitness instructions, financial experts, mental health professionals and more!

She can take vacations whenever she feels the need to rejuvenate or simply get away. She is able to take care of her family and herself with the resources generated from her business without the fear of lack.

 Sia Moiwa

Sia went from hiding her gift from the world to completing her first book and creating a coaching program for women who have experienced trauma!



Sia has seen the benefits of one-to-one coaching with Tiffany. Sia is the founder of IOG Ministries, and she helps women to heal from traumatic experiences. Sia is gearing up to launch her online coaching practice and was looking for ways to gain momentum as she prepared for her new business launch. As a result of her last three months with me, Sia has been featured in local media, completed here lead magnet, started her email list, booked a podcast feature interview, and professionally recorded her first round of content videos. This is all before we even do her formal launch to the world, AND all while working a 9-to-5!


Startup Success Master Academy

The most comprehensive membership site for starting, running and growing your new business without the guesswork, frustration and overwhelm. Perfect for experts, coaches and service-based businesses

I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from building my business from scratch, being highly visible on multiple news outlets, publishing a book, creating a speaking platform and hosting sponsored signature events and channeled it into a comprehensive, step-by-step implementation membership program that not only teaches you the high-level theory, but the actual EXECUTION of how you can do the same.

The Startup Success Master Academy Isn’t So Much a Training Program as it is An Implementation Membership.

Yes, you’ll learn the strategies behind everything you do, but more importantly, you’ll have a meticulous, step-by-step business implementation plan that leaves nothing out and takes nothing for granted.

The end result: A business that serves as a long-term ASSET that grows with you, stands the test of time, and builds a legacy for your future...and, of course, profitability is a major part of that growth!

Startup Success Master Academy is the ONLY business implementation membership of its kind that...

not only shows you exactly how to jumpstart your new business like a pro--but how to launch it to the people who were specifically meant to experience your product or service.

In this membership, 

you will:

  • Get completely clear on the value you provide to your target market (instead of spending yet another year just thinking about it)
  • Validate your product and service offerings to make sure your audience is willing and excited to invest the minute they’re ready
  • Receive weekly content showing you how to build your business infrastructure step-by-step (even if you’re a  complete newbie and have never attempted to start a business in your entire life)
  • Discover the systems and techniques to create everything from digital products and services to garnering coaching clients 
  • Deliver high-converting webinars, masterclasses and irresistible offers that authentically engage your best prospects and turn them into enthusiastic buyers
  • Experience a mix of guest experts, coaching hot-seats, get-it-done days, videos and challenges that prepare you for highly qualified clients that do business with you over and over again 
  • Be held accountable for achieving the milestones set before you through our supportive membership community
  • Craft compelling content that converts including social media posts, email funnels, sales pages, and workshops that amplify your brand and your sales


  • Level up your marketing, messaging, and monetization so you can scale your revenue growth and acquire new team members 

But above all else, Startup Success Master Academy will give you the confidence to finally create massive impact and achieve “expert status” in half the time it would take you to walk this journey all alone.

Here's how we'll help you get here:


When you enroll during this 

special, limited time period, you’ll get:

Startup Success Master Academy Membership

(A $2,997 Value)

  • 5 Success Paths outlining literally EVERYTHING you need to do to turn your expertise into an industry penetrating business that people rave about 


  • A complete, step-by-step launch plan showing you how to create and deliver high-converting content, digital products, and services that help you get past the overwhelm and start attracting dozens of new clients each time you show up online or in-person 


  • The SMART Marketing Process to make sure you never deliver low-level low-engagement content again, and instead get high quality engaged consumers who pay attention to your offers 
  • Curated high Impact social media, email marketing, and sales page strategies to amplify your audience so you can start generating more revenue


Membership Highlights:

  • When you join, you’ll be getting immediate access to the Success Pathway where you’ll dig into the critical steps to understanding where you are in your business journey and how to start building the basics of your brand before you launch. 

    The main barrier for new businesses is that they spend soooo much time consuming information and waiting until they have everything in order before they implement. With our structure, you learn one piece of business building information each week, and you have that whole week to implement, review it, ask questions with our live check-ins and actually execute the information BEFORE moving on to the next.

    This is done so that you don’t fall into an abyss of overwhelm and frustration and ultimately derail your efforts. We need all of your attention focused on the one thing that will help you that week so you can avoid becoming a wanna-be business owner. 


Building Your Online Brand


You Also Get These Bonuses To Help You Kick Your Momentum Into High Gear (and Keep it) Through Each Phase of Your Business Growth

  • Bonus 1: 10 Pain-Free Steps to Going LIVE on Facebook and Instagram that build your know, like and trust factor with speed and authenticity. This 5 video mini course walks you through the exact steps you need to take to create engaging high-converting live casts that keep your audience hanging on until the very end! (A $297 value)
  • Bonus 2: 7 Steps to Mastering Your Brand Message is a video and workbook combo that helps you to breakdown each element of your business story and gives you the precise formula to articulately convey your unique brand message. New business owners find this workbook to be a gem because it is truly an art to be able to tell a compelling story that wins the hearts of your target audience. (A $297 value)
  • Bonus 3: 8 Weeks Access to Private Facebook Group and Q&A with Tiffany so that you can get easily get unstuck and maintain your biz building momentum. (An $897 value)

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Startup Success Master Academy- $1,497 Value

  • 10 Pain-Free Steps to Going LIVE on Facebook and Instagram - $297 Value
  • 7 Steps to Mastering Your Brand Message - $297 Value
  • 8 Weeks Access to Private Facebook Group and Q&A with Tiffany - $897 Value

Total Value: $1,490

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2,990

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

6 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Payment




Still Undecided?

You’re ready to achieve BIG WINS inside of Startup Success Master Academy if:

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.

Here’s what you’re getting when you enroll today:

Startup Success Master Academy- $1,497 Value

  • 10 Pain-Free Steps to Going LIVE on Facebook and Instagram - $297 Value
  • 7 Steps to Mastering Your Brand Message - $297 Value
  • 8 Weeks Access to Private Facebook Group and Q&A with Tiffany - $897 Value

Total Value: $1,490

When you add it all up, that’s a value of $2,990

But when you enroll today, you’ll get access to everything for just:

Pay Monthly

6 Monthly Payments of




Pay Upfront

1 Monthly Payment





50% Complete

Two Step

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.